Best Weapon to Corruption

There is an element of corruption in most Ghanaians….only that the opportunity to act is mainly at the top level making it seems only the rich are corrupt.

But then the subtle little little things we do each day consciously or unconsciously positioning ourselves to be of a greater advantage to gain more than we are to receive or to be paid for has become the norm.

95% of the People would have failed miserable if they were in former Ghana Football Association Boss Shoes… Most people criticizing and shouting out crucify him do not have the moral right to judge him because we all have our corrupt practices…

  1. If you ever drove on the shoulders of the road to pass others in traffic just to get ahead of others… You have corrupt tendencies
  2. If you have ever given some smaller notes to that police man to allow you to go free for an offence you committed…. You and the policeman, You have corrupt tendencies
  3. You jumped the queue to get in front of the line… You have corrupt tendencies
  4. You throw rubbish where you are not supposed to… You have corrupt tendencies
  5. You pay that teacher to pass your ward’s examination when he has failed miserably… You have corrupt tendencies
  6. You under-pay your workers because they are below the educational ladder ever for a good work done… You have corrupt tendencies (People must be paid what is FAIR and just for an honest work done)
  7. You used your office work time to do private jobs and gain money… You have corrupt tendencies

Integrity for all of us seems very far… Our very human natures, cultural, belief systems and up-bringing in a certain environment fight us when we want to do the right thing. Each day we are confronted to do Good or bad, choose right or wrong, to be or not to be. The mind is in a constant state of battle of making decisions and most times we will choose the easy way and that is SURVIVAL.

Corruption is in the mind and Integrity is by the heart….to fight the mind, do the right things by heart and consistently… The mind processes every decision instantly and that is why the decision to be corrupt is instant. But Integrity lies in the heart and its takes its time to judge between THE GOOD and THE BAD…

INTEGRITY is the remedy to Corruption.
INTEGRITY: Best Weapon to Corruption

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